Module 1: Introduction to Unity and setting up the environment

In this module we will make sure that you have Unity properly installed, and you have your code editor, such as VS Code installed and set up as the default editor for Unity. We will take a first look at Unity to understand its interface, layouts, and some general principles. We will see how to create and access Unity projects.

Section 1: 2D Game Development

Module 2: Introduction to Game Development, Game #1: A top-down arcade game

In this module, we dive into the practical aspects of game development by creating a driving/running game with top view perspective.

You'll learn about game design fundamentals, including methods, variables, and using Unity's built-in functions like Transform.Translate(), Input.GetAxis(), and Time.deltaTime().

We'll cover important topics such as colliders, rigidbodies, collision detection methods (OnCollisionEnter2D, OnTriggerEnter2D), and asset management.

The module also includes practical lessons on camera control, conditional statements, boolean logic, object destruction, and component manipulation.

Towards the end, we'll explore game features like boosts, bumps, and wrap up the project.

Module 3: Advanced Techniques, Game #2: A Side-Scrolling Platformer

By building a side-scrolling platformer game in this module we will introduce more advanced techniques and tools.

You'll learn how to use Sprite Shapes for versatile level design, Edge Colliders for precise collision boundaries, and Cinemachine for dynamic camera movements.

We'll guide you through character setup, using physics components like Surface Effector 2D, and implementing rotation mechanics. The module covers scene management, delays with Invoke(), particle effects, sound effects, and public access modifiers.

We'll also discuss how to manage and optimize game elements like triggers, timers, and state-driven cameras.

Module 4: Mastering UI Elements, Game #3: A Trivia Game

By building this game you'll get hands-on deeper experience with user interface (UI) design and functionality in Unity.

This module teaches you about UI Canvas, TextMeshPro, and arranging button layouts.